Sunday, November 27, 2011


my colon
                                     My  appendix after the surgery

I decided to see Dr. Mathew Kho after experiencing rapid weight loss & to confirm with him if the pain on my right lower abdomen was  because of appendicitis. He confirmed that it was & fixed a date when I can come to have it removed. It was fixed;10th November.
The thought of death was utmost in my mind;what if I could not wake up again,I asked myself...but on second thoughts,I consoled myself that I have to go someday...
Anyway,Praise God the operation went well. Besides the appendix operation,I had a colonscopy done too,since the very very regular bowel movement,I might as well had it checked. Good,clear,said the doctor. I stayed for a night at MCMC & went back the next day.
Thank you to all friends for their visits,fruits,flowers & prayers.
I pray that there's no other sickness hiding in my body. I weigh a good 63 kg now & hope to gain more weight by Xmas but not to the 84kg that I used to weigh.

Ba iya,kurus salah..gemuk salah...